Northern Territory News (Australia)

March 9, 2011 Wednesday
1 - Edition

Start the day with a laugh


LENGTH: 143 words

THIS past semester, at CDU, there were two first-year students taking organic chemistry. Against better judgement, before final exams, they decided to go up
to Dundee Beach to a party with some friends. They got drunk, ended staying longer than planned and didn't make it back until Monday afternoon -- after the test.
They spun a yarn to Professor Aldric, saying they'd gotten a flat tyre and didn't have a spare, which is why they were late. Prof Aldric thought about it and agree

they could take the test the next day. Both guys studied into the night and the next day Aldric put them both in separate rooms and handed them their tests.

Both found the first problem on free radical formation -- worth five points -- easy, and both began to feel confident. Each, in their separate rooms, then turned

the page for the next question. It said: (95 points) ``Which tyre?''

There are many variants of this joke involving Yale and Harvard.